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“more consistent”
consistent (adjective); more consistent, most consistent
1. Referring to a person's deeds or actions which are always dependable and reoccur in the same way: When correcting the English tests for her students, Mrs. Smart always had to be consistent with her grading system.
2. Concerning facts or ideas which are compatible or in keeping with each other: The present policies in the firm were not always consistent with what was expected of the workers.
3. Regarding a set of thoughts, views, or reasoning in which each part is harmonious and logical with the other parts: Jack's belief in keeping the environment clean certainly was not consistent with his actions because he threw his garbage out the car window!
2. Concerning facts or ideas which are compatible or in keeping with each other: The present policies in the firm were not always consistent with what was expected of the workers.
3. Regarding a set of thoughts, views, or reasoning in which each part is harmonious and logical with the other parts: Jack's belief in keeping the environment clean certainly was not consistent with his actions because he threw his garbage out the car window!
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